
Greenfield International Secondary School - Limbe.

It outlines clearly our philosophy aims and procedures when dealing with inappropriate behaviour. The policy applies to all school related contexts, including off site activities.
We aim to achieve a positive atmosphere in which more time is spent on teaching and learning. We strive to ensure all our learners be the best they can be; to achieve this, we encourage the highest standards of behaviour at all times, including during off-site activities. Our key values underpin all policies and procedures.
It is essential for parents and the school to work in partnership so that the values encouraged by home and school are mutually reinforced. The following outlines the key expectations we have of learners:

  • Treat everyone with respect and courtesy
  • Behave in a way that aids learning during lessons
  • Walk at all times when indoors
  • Walk on the right in corridors and pathways
  • Hold doors open for others
  • Mobile phones are not allowed, and should not be seen, in school
  • We operate electronic free zones during break and lunchtimes, except during ICT
  • Make sure that classrooms and all communal areas are kept clean and tidy; litter should be placed in bins
  • Always look after classroom resources and ensure that furniture and resources are tidy at the end of lessons
  • Knock and wait to be invited into the room if late for class
  • Do not leave the classroom without the teacher’s permission
  • No eating and drinking in the classroom – except water
  • Learners are responsible for clearing trays, plates, etc. after break and lunch.

All learners are encouraged, taught and expected to demonstrate high standards of behaviour. We value highly the qualities of self-discipline, self-respect and respect for others and their property. We encourage all learners to act as positive citizens and bullying will not be tolerated at our school. Parents and learners are strongly encouraged to adhere to these principles.

Using English in school

English is the first language of the school and we encourage it to be used as much as possible by all learners. It is the one common language that all pupils will share and therefore has the capacity to unite our community. Leaners are, therefore, expected to be using English throughout the day.

The GFIS community is committed to providing a safe and supportive learning environment for all learners. We are ambitious for all learners, and strive for excellence in all areas of our provision. Excellent standards in attendance and punctuality play a key factor in achieving this vision.

GFIS expects, whenever possible, learners to attend school for the full school day, and every day to ensure they have access to, and be able to participate and engage fully in all aspects of school life.

To ensure high ambitions for all learners, we are committed to: 

  • Promoting the key messages of: every day counts and every lesson matters.
  • Providing a safe, healthy, challenging, and supportive environment so that all learners want to be in school every day.
  • Supporting individual learners who struggle to maintain high levels of attendance.
  • monitoring and communicating with parents and cooperate with parents to implement strategies to improve regular school attendance.
  • Promoting the belief that truanting can place a learner in unsafe situations and impact on their future employability and life choices.
  • Promoting the belief that attendance at school is the responsibility of everyone in the community.
  • Investigating reasons why some learners are not able to maintain high levels of attendance and provide the pastoral structures to tackle issues (such as poor sleep habits, dependency on and abuse of technology, bullying etc.).

Regular daily attendance is essential if learners are to achieve their potential. There is significant research on the impact of attendance on pupils’ overall academic performance and personal development. We ask that parents support attendance at school wherever possible. Absence from school for reasons which are neither health-related nor involving an emergency are strongly discouraged and should be kept to a minimum, since frequent absence can result in the learner falling behind - perhaps seriously - in his/her studies and/or missing key assessments.
Parents who are aware of such future absences should inform the class teacher and seek permission from the Principal as far in advance as possible.
Support will be given to parents and learners if there are attendance issues. If these support mechanisms fail, and learners are unable to achieve the standards required, and in extreme cases, where attendance continues to be a concern, and there is evidence of lack of progress/ improvement, (or falls below 85% of learning hours): the learner may repeat the year or may be asked to withdraw from the school. 

> Registration

The First School Leaving Certificate results came out recently. Hence, we can congratulate the successful candidates and invite them to register with Greenfield International School Limbe.

> School Life

If learners arrive late they must sign in with the administrative assistant and record the reason for late arrival..

> Admissions

Book rental included in the tuition charge and excludes school uniforms
We look forward to welcoming everyone to start the year 2021/2022, in September 2021.

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